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         Synergy is where the two things brought together have a greater power united than they do separately. We believe that preschool and enrichment activities for seniors will be more powerful for both of these populations if done together. 

         Where did this start? Early in the winter of 2015 my friend and I bumped into a documentary trailer called Present Perfect.  It showed the amazing intergenerational program happening at Mount Saint Vincent in Seattle where preschool children and the elderly share together.  We immediately felt that brining the two communities of the young children and elderly together was right and something we would like to be involved in. We could not find anything like this happening in Utah and very rarely throughout our country so we decided to create our own program.  We spent the summer of 2015 giving this a trial run.  Copper Ridge Health Center in West Jordan was an amazing host.  To our delight, the children immediately responded with kindness and joy amongst the memory care residents there.  We sang, marched, and played together. Even if those senior friends don’t remember us, we know there were bright moments and experiences the children will not forget.

         After our first summer session, we have continued our research. On every turn there was more to learn about licensing, senior needs, and creating successful non-profits.   We gained much from a trip up to Seattle to see the amazing program there. In the summer of 2017 we did another practice trials at the beautiful new Abbington Senior Living Center in Holladay.  Again, it was a success.  All along the way, we have found many generous people donating their help, preschool supplies, and business training. 

         Looking ahead, there are many more apparent needs, but the journey has begun and we are excited to see who we will meet along the way.  We are preparing for a full year program in 2019.  We have incorporated ourselves as a non-profit and have several host sites in cue.  We anticipate running two locations within the Salt Lake Valley.  

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